
We felt it appropriate to release this message relating to covid-19 virus that is currently present in the United Kingdom. At West Park Care the health and safety of our clients and staff members is our number one priority and we have in place measures to closely monitor and manage the risks associated with covid-19.

All of our staff team are professionally trained and undergo detailed training in infection control and all carry the correct PPE equipment such as gloves, aprons and hand sanitiser. All staff members have also received the guidance on hygiene from the World Health Organisation specifically around the importance of hand washing. Sarah our Registered Manager and Kirsty our Quality Assurance Manager are both closely monitoring the staff team to ensure best practices are being followed.

The staff team have been told to follow any government advice regarding to self-isolation if they do develop any symptoms relating to covid-19 and will be told not to visit any of our clients and again this is being closely monitored by our senior management team. We will again be following government advice regarding this as and when anything changes.

We would also advise that clients friends and family are made aware to follow infection control guidelines if they are visiting them and that if they develop any symptoms of the covid-19 to follow government guidelines. If anyone who we support has come into contact with someone who displays symptoms then we ask that you make us aware.

We ask for everybody’s understanding throughout this difficult period. There may be times when we have to prioritise our services should infection enter our staff teams or the homes and families of particular individuals who we support. We will keep updating ourselves on the national spread of the virus on a daily basis and take Public Health advice at all times and, where appropriate, update our clients, their families and representatives, and staff. Staff rota\’s may be subject to more change than we would like during this period. Our clients will also see far less of our management team as we attempt to cut down on the number of visitors to our client’s homes and interactions with staff – they will remain in contact by telephone.

We would also recommend that all government guidelines with regard to isolation and hygiene measures are strictly followed by all of our clients and any friend or relative that may come into contact with our clients.

Assuring all of our clients of our best endeavours throughout this difficult period and as Managing Director of West Park Care, I’m committed to ensuring that our clients can remain safe and cared for at home throughout this challenging time.


For further advice and information about COVID-19, visit

Age UK has some information specifically for older people here:

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