Specialist Home Care
Complex Care
High quality Complex care and support lead by a team including a Registered Social Worker and a Nurse. We allow individuals to live the life they want in their own home.
In circumstances where an individual requires specialist care and support because of their health condition but wish to remain in their own home, we work together with the individual and their support network to put in place an individual care and support package bespoke to their individual needs and circumstance. We provide support for any individual 18 an over, this may be on a short term or a long term basis. The key part for us in that the individual and their support network are in control of their support and how this look and how this is provided, joint working is paramount.

Support – you’re involved in planning
Our bespoke packages of complex care in the home for adults do not stop at meeting our client’s clinical needs. We focus on the individual as a whole and work with them in ensuring that we put together a health and support package that meets their own personal outcomes, this can also include working alongside health professionals with rehabilitation plans.
Client Specific
We work with the individual in identifying and matching their dedicated health, care and support team, which dependent on the needs of the individual will be nurse-led and/or social work-led.
Who We Work With
First and foremost we work with the individual (client), and then from that we work with deputies as part of the Court of Protection, families, representatives, solicitors, care managers, local authority, integrated care boards and advocates.
Next Steps
No matter what your circumstance or needs are, you can contact our Head of Service and Registered Social Worker – Kirsty Page, for a non-obligation health and care discussion regarding your needs.

Free no obligation care assessment
Arrange a care chat
Please use the form to request for a call back to discuss care needs.
A call back will be within 24 hours but if urgent contact the office on 01423 594142.